Tuesday, 31 March 2009

2 dalam 1: Pejuang Agama Pejuang Keluarga

Salam perjuangan ...
Alhamdulillah, hari penamaan calon Parlimen Bukit Gantang telah pun berlalu. Suasana di barisan Pakatan Rakyat cukup meriah dan memberangsangkan seolah-olah seperti berada di dalam sebuah pesta dan stadium bola sepak pula.
Bendera PAS, PKR dan DAP berkibar di merata sudut .. dari yg kecil sehinggalah kepada saiz yg besar. Setiap sudut kawasan juga meriah dengan pelbagai aktiviti.
Yg berada di atas bukit bersorak dan bernasyid bahkan memerli BN dan Najib dengan rentak yang menghiburkn sebagai serangan psychologi kepada BN yang berada jauh di depan mereka. Di sudut yg lain pula dimeriahkan dengan ceramah oleh beberapa tokoh PAS dan di sudut yg lain pula diceriakan dengan paluan tabla dari bangsa India yang mewakili kelab Penyokong PAS. Senang cerita, semuanya seronok dan terhibur, bahkan tidak menyedari cepatnya masa berlalu.
Berbeza pula jika dilihat pada barisan penyokong BN ... suasananya lesu, layu dan lolong saja. Itupun, kalau tidak dipaksakan pelajar PLKN untuk datang, hanya 500 orang saja yang berada di barisan BN ... amat menyedihkan.
Apa-apa pun, orang ramai berpusu-pusu membanjiri Majlis Bandaran Taiping sejak awal lagi untuk turut sama memberikan sokongan kepada Dato' Seri Ir Haji Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai calon PAS Parlimen Bukit Gantang.
Semoga kehadiran yg melebihi 20 ribu tersebut menjadi petanda awal bagi kemenangan PR pada 7 April ini, Insyallah.
Sebetulnya kepulangan saya ke Ipoh adalah untuk bertugas di Bukit Gantang. Tetapi apabila pulang ke rumah, lain pula yang jadinya ... terpaksa menjadi suri rumah sepenuh masa.
Mana tidaknya, ayah saya sebagai Pengarah Jentera Pilihanraya Bukit Gantang sudah berkampung di sana selama hampir 2 minggu. Tapi jam 2 pagi semalam dia pulang ke rumah dan saya hanya sempat bertemu dengan beliau selama sejam saja ketika makan pagi bersama ayah pagi tadi. Tidak sempat untuk kami berbual-bual panjang. Selepas itu, ayah kembali ke Bukit Gantang. Semoga segala usaha dan keringat ayah untuk perjuangan Islam ini diberkati Allah SWT.
Emak pula sebagai sayap Muslimat PAS sudah hampir setiap hari pergi ke sana untuk membantu memperlicinkan proses meraih undi. Tambah pula mak baru dilantik menjadi Ketua Muslimat PAS Kawasan Taman Meru, tambah-tambah sibuk lah beliau kali ini.
Mula-mula ketika mak baru dilantik, saya tidak bersetuju dengan perlantikan mak sebagai ketua muslimat kerana memikirkan keadaan Hafiz yang perlu kepada pengawasan dan penjagaan pada usia kecil sebegini. Tambahan pula ayah memang sudah maklum dengan kesibukkannya pagi dan petang, justeru membuatkan saya lebih kuat memegang pandangan saya. (Berbeza kalau ayah tidak terlalu sibuk) Hatta Hafiz pernah mengomel pada ayah, "Ayah ni malam-malam pun mesyuarat juga ke .. asyik mesyuarat .. mesyuarat".
Anak-anak harus diberikan perhatian khusus semasa kecilnya kerana inilah tempoh waktu yg paling sesuai dalam proses tarbiah dan pendidikan. Semasa ia baru dilahirkan, anak-anak bergantung harap secara total kepada kedua ibu bapanya. Bahkan Rasul SAW sendiri mengatakan bahawa ibu bapalah yg menentukan pegangan agama anak-anak mereka samada menjadi Islam atau kufur kepada Allah. Namun, setelah umur semakin meningkat ... ikatan pergantungan itu semakin hari semakin terbuka sehinggalah mereka mampu berfikir dan berdikari sendiri. Oleh kerana itulah, Islam menuntut agar ibu bapa memberikan tunjuk ajar dan tarbiah kepada anak-anak mereka di saat tali bergantungan itu masih kukuh di tangan ibu bapa kerana saat tali itu mula longgar dan dilepaskan, sangat sukar anak-anak itu untuk dilenturkan.
Nyata peranan ibu itu sangat penting untuk tumbesaran anak-anak. Kalau bapa meninggal dunia, sang ibu mampu menjadi ibu tunggal membesarkan anak-anak mereka sehingga berjaya. Tetapi tidak ramai bapa yang mampu menjadi bapa tunggal memikul tanggungjawab isteri dalam membesarkan anak-anaknya tanpa kehadiran isteri. Bahkan Imam Ahmad setelah isterinya wafat, beliau terus berkahwin lain pada keesokkan harinya kerana beliau luluh di saat hidup sendirian. Bahkan beliau - rahimahullah - pernah berkata, "Aku tidak akan tidur dalam keadaan membujang", menunjukkan betapa peranan ibu dan isteri itu sangat penting bagi seorang suami dan anak-anak.
Tapi mahu buat macam mana, bukan mak yang mahukan jawatan itu, tetapi jemaah kawasan yang memilih mak sebagai ketua. Saya akur. Saya positif dengan semua perancangan Allah dan berdoa agar Allah SWT memelihara keselamatan mak sepanjang menjalankan amanah Allah di sana.
Jadi, dengan kesibukkan itu memaksa mak untuk keluar awal-awal pagi lagi dengan kawan-kawannya untuk ke Bukit Gantang.
Nak tak nak, sayalah yang perlu berkorban menjaga rumah. Ye lah, kalau semua nak jadi hero, siapa pula yang mahu menjadi orang bawahannya.
Suri rumah ... Pagi-pagi keluar hantar Hafiz ke taski Al-Ummah di Chemor. Kemudian jam 12 ambil dia untuk hantar ke tusyen KUMON pula. Sementara menunggu Hafiz habis tusyen di KUMON, saya lari sekejap ke Tesco Extra untuk mencuci dan polish kereta. Kemudian ambil Hafiz semula dan bawa dia pergi makan Pizza Hut di Tesco sebab dia 'demand' dengan janji abang dia. Lepas itu terus pulang ke rumah dan buat kerja-kerja rumah yang ada. Kemudian ambil baju ayah dan emak di Dobi dan sebagainya ....
Nampak kerja suri rumah ni macam senang saja, tapi rupa-rupanya penat juga. Jadi, sebab itulah mengapa Allah SWT memuliakan seorang isteri walaupun dia hanya merupakan seorang suri rumah.
Oleh itu - untuk si isteri - jangan merasa hina dengan gelaran 'suri rumah'. Sesungguhnya engkau sedang berjuang sama seperti suamimu sedang berjuangan di luar sana. Tiada rendahnya darjatmu di sisi Allah dengan tingginya kedudukan kaummu dengan jawatan yang mereka sandangi. Bahkan, Allah SWT tidak pernah menuntut agar engkau keluar mencari nafkah sebagaimana Allah SWT mewajibkan kepada suamimu. Menjadi 'menteri' di rumah dengan menjaga nama baik suami, mengurus makan minum suami dan memikul tugas mendidik anak-anak telah melayakkanmu untuk mencium wangian syurga-syurga Allah SWT nanti.
Tapi sebenarnya seronok juga dapat merasa menjadi suri rumah. Mungkin ini sebagai persediaan awal sebelum berumah tangga. Seperti kata Abusaif, belajar hidup untuk memberi.
Mana lah tahu kalau Allah jodohkan dengan isteri doktor ke .... :)

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Najib should learn from Shahrir Samad

Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad will submit his resignation as Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister at this Wednesday's Cabinet Meeting.
He said that his decision was final and it was made after he had lost in his bid for one of 25 seats on UMNO Supreme Council on the last Thursday. In his respond to the reporters, he said that UMNO should always believe that they have to introduce new blood and talent, and it is unfair to be appointed twice.
I salute to Datuk Shahrir Samad for his 'gentleman' decision.
Of course, it is a good lesson for Najib to learn from him. As Datuk Shahrir had decided to step down from his Ministry for his failure to maintain his position in UMNO Supreme Council, it is also on Najib to do the same as there was a clear signal from the people in Pematang Pauh and Kuala Terengganu Parliamentary by-election that Najib is not the right candidate to take over Pak Lah position as the Sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia.
For a democracy country like Malaysia, election is the people's voice. This right is given to them for every five years. A day in a five years is a supreme day for them to decide the leaders for their best as well as to penalize those who failed to perform well. UMNO must understand this principle and they should learn from the last two by-elections that they have been rejected twice by the people.
Supposely, Pak Lah should delay his transition untill the end of this incoming by-election in Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau and Batang Ai, so that he may know whether he should still choose Najib as his successor or not.
7 April 2009 is the day of judgment for Najib's future and UMNO survival.
Whatever the decision is, if UMNO or Barisan Nasional really works for people's interest, Najib should be the first person take this struggle .. struggle for changes and reformation.
Najib has been in UMNO for many years ... Do u think he might let his dream just go like that for people's sake .. ???
Ermmmm ........... clear answer
By the way, lets learn from Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

PPSMI in the eye of Social Contract

“BAHASA akan mencorakkan penuturnya. Contohnya mereka yang belajar di Singapura, jika dia bercakap dalam bahasa Inggeris, ia akan mengubah gaya hidup, sekaligus mengubah jati diri seseorang itu. Kita kini bersedia mengubah generasi baru kita ke arah kehilangan jati diri” – Sasterawan Muda, Faisal Tehrani.

7 of March 2009 was ended to be part of our historical moment for Malaysian society after more than 50 thousand peoples took part in the road demonstration protested about PPSMI. From now on, it will be probably become part of our children syllabus in their History subject in School. However, we’ll never know what would be the way the historians might demonstrate about this precious event. Should it be kept transparently or the true story about it might be changed, we couldn’t answer it yet. Nevertheless, only those who watched it today with their full consciousness will understand on what was basically happened behind this event.
Prio to this issue, it was accidently to be my topic of assignment to make a research on Malaysian Social Contract, and I’m sure many of us do not know about this term of ‘Social Contract’ because when I presented it in front of my fellow friends (of other faculties) during my EAP class, most of them and even each of them did not know about it. No wonder as this term only narrowed among law students as it has a close relation with law.
Talking about Social Contract, what is its relation with PPSMI? What is so important of knowing this in order to know PPSMI? Lets look what is the answer.
Before I go into deep, let me explain briefly about Social Contract so that we can find the rationality of it with our recent issue of PPSMI. In my opinion, it has such a connection with our recent issue whether one would interprate it to be direct or indirect.
The Social Contract as the term herewith is in fact an unwritten agreement that was agreed by the founding fathers of the Federation of Malaysia as it was known to be the Federation of Tanah Melayu. The effect of this contract is that, the Malays and the Indigenous people (Bumiputra) will enjoy certain privileges and special treatments compared to the other non-Bumiputra. In short, it had become a bargaining subject matter before the non-Bumiputra (Chinese and Indian) were to be accepted as part of Malaysian citizen in Tanah Melayu.
Historically, before August 1957, shortly after the World War II, Malaysia as it was known as Tanah Melayu at the time being was under the ruling of British. The Malay, being the majority of the population in the colony had only little power compared to the power that they had before it was colonized started back in 1511. Prior to the day of Independent, the British had tried to make Tanah Melayu to become one of its Territories by the introduction of the Malayan Union, in which under it, Malay, Chinese and Indian were to be given an EQUAL treatment as to the citizenship. But then, it had been heavily opposed by the Malays as it would deny the authority and civilization that they had built for thousand of decades under the Malay Sultanate.
This had caused to the establishment of United Malay National Organization (UMNO) for which, its primary purpose is to oppose the establishment of Malayan Union. Most of our pre-Independence Malay generations during those times had give their infinite supports to UMNO to uphold the Malays and their privileges. Their sacrification had been impliedly translated in our Federal Constitution by which certain privileges and special treatment for Malays are still been preserved such as to the issue of Religion, Sultans, Malays positions, Education and etc.
Lets take the issue of Religion. Article 3 of the Federal Constitution states that “Islam is the religion of the Federation”. It would be sufficient to read this article independently without referring to Article 160 in order to understand the Malay position in its context. Article 160 defines the Malays as “A person professing the religion of Islam, habitually speaks Malay language and practice the Malay custom. In this context, Islam and Malay had been closely associated as one would define another. On the other hand, when somebody asked you, who is Muslim in Malaysia, you’ll automatically answer it as Malay people. Meaning that, the result of the inclusion of this Article 3 would mean that the drafter of this Constitution had intended to give certain privileges to the Malay, and the exclusion of this Article 3 would have intended to scrap one of the Malays privileges.
Even later this issue still continues to be debated among writers in field, academician and certain people, viewing that it should be reviewed and even amended for it objective had caused to discriminating other races and deem to deny their right of equality as citizen of Malaysian, but then this contract still maintain to be operative.
Therefore, if you are interested to know why Gabungan Mansuhkan PPSMI (GMP) was established and lead the road demonstration which was held on March 7 recently, you may get the answer from this issue of Social Contract. Why this Social Contract was very desirably been uphold by our previous Malay leaders and their people in fact has the same answer on why PPSMI was extremely been objected.
I hope this article still not too late to our recent issue nowadays.